Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Guess who's going bazonkers!!! Weeeeee!!!

There are soooo many things happening in my life right now that I can't seem to find enough time to actually sit down and take a break, but then again, I promised myself that I would always be number 1 priority so I guess that will all have to change. :D LOL.

So while having lunch with friends this afternoon I started enumerating all the things lined up for me these coming months then I also counted down to how many months left til the wedding. THREE!!! That's right...3 months to go, not counting this month and October of course. But damn! 3 months then it's the big day! Waaaaah!!! Do you have any idea how I feel right now?!? Let me show you...

***photo from the internet

That's was me at lunch time. I was going bazonkers. This only means it's time to FOCUS. Get your head in the game. Tune out the noise. Concentrate. I need to figure out what needs to be done and just do it! Tonight, random people are you going to get random panic messages from me. They should be expecting it! Lol. But I'm serious.

So you must be asking...what's the hurry? Well, let me begin by pointing out the fact that we have been together FOREVER. But that's not the point, I confuse me too sometimes...deal with it. The truth is, it's because the Zetans have been pressuring us (and that's why I love them)! Lol, I kid. We've actually been preparing for this for quite some time now and it's only really now that we've actually decided to let people in on the secret. Weeeeee! :D We like being secretive like that. Deal with it. And no, I'm not preggers. Hello! 

Can you imagine the struggle of having to keep MY mouth shut about the biggest news in my life. Resisting the urge to smile every time people would ask us when we plan to get married. Trying not to look at each other knowingly when our friends would pressure ask us what was taking so long. I am the most talkative person that my friends know. LOL, I'm assuming of course but I'm sure they'll agree. And keeping news like this to myself and not being able to talk about it. Torture. To be completely honest though I didn't really keep it a secret very long from my extremely close friends, I just really couldn't. hehe The bu on the other hand. Professional Poker Facer. Haha, it was so natural. Maybe that's cause he's always been the quiet type. Riiiiight. He's seriously not that quiet once you get to know him. Ask my friends, sometimes I seriously think he scares them. Lol. 

But let's get back on point. I am in a state of PANIC!!! Panic I tell you!!!

So dear friends, I apologize in advance for all the crazy out of the blue messages you might get from me. You knew it was bound to happen.