Sunday, October 21, 2012

Baking adventures...2012

Growing up I remember celebrating my birthday with homemade cake. My mom made the best chocolate cake, or so I have been told. Back then I was too busy enjoying the toys and the attention to notice the cake. Horrible I know but I was a kid so sue me! haha

So that probably explains why I've been going crazy with the idea of making my own birthday cake. Ok, not really my own personal cake but cakes for people in my family. Thank God for my sister-in-law Alay who is always a willing accomplice to my crazy ideas. :D

As I was searching for things I would love to eat I came across a recipe for Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting I knew right away I had to try it out. I am a sucker for Reese's peanut butter cups and this recipe sounded amazing. But since it was a European recipe the first try didn't turn out too good. I could not figure out what to substitute Heavy Cream with and there's none available in Manila, or at least in the places I looked. We just made it look good by filling it with icing and drizzling it with chocolate. Presentation was nice, the taste totally sucked. haha

So after failing miserably...I searched the net for a substitute cake recipe and tried it again. It was my younger brothers birthday and it was an awesome opportunity to try out the recipe. Lucky him he didn't get stuck with the gross flop that was the week before. 

We baked the cake, iced it and placed it in the fridge to set. Then off we went to dinner...

Since the layers weren't even we had trimmed the top and made a dome cake out of the trimmings. the family nothing goes to waste. :D

My brother enjoyed it, we had fun making it and I finally got it out of my system. Now I'm obsessed with the idea of making a vanilla chiffon cake. If only my schedule would settle down and I'd get a free weekend. :D

Monday, October 15, 2012

On the eve of my birthday I sit back and think how blessed I am. :D Thank you Lord for all my blessings. :D My heart is happy and content.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Must. Travel. Soon.

I have been itching to book a flight to Bangkok for the longest time now. The bu and I agreed that we would travel out of the country at least once a year. I must admit though that I'm not really sure if I just had that conversation in my head and pretended he agreed with me. And we already went to SG earlier this year so he's not that into the whole -Let's go to Bangkok this November - plan that I've been trying to shove down his throat. Yes, I'm a very very pushy girlfriend.

But because next year might welcome extremely huge changes in our lifestyle and time, I think it would still be an awesome idea to go. Now, if only I could find cheap flights to get there. I figure once they're booked he really doesn't have much choice. Bwahaha...

See, the first time I went to Bangkok I was throwing up all over the place. I was sick before boarding the plane and spent 70% of my time in the hotel. Lucky for me Jacob was still a child back then so he preferred staying in the hotel with me too! Oh, and the fact that back then I was rooming with my 2 cousins who loved shopping helped as well. They shopped for me so I eventually went home with loads of new stuff without having to go out. Awesomesauce right. But that meant I haven't really experienced the whole shopping in Bangkok thing. Yes, I'm shallow like that, I love shopping. Although quite recently I've also been thinking of going to Cambodia or something, you know, one of those countries that don't have much shops but have loads of culture. Maybe I can do that in December. Must look out for more cheap flights!

So before I continue rambling on and on about nonsense...what I really want to say is. I miss travelling and I miss the bu. He's been busy with hospital work recently and if my next few years will be like this. Meh, I don't like it. Then again, grown ups always have to make sacrifices. Sucks. No wonder I never wanted to be grown up. Hahaha...

So there. Thanks for reading my nonsense post for the day. I'm off to find cheap flights. If you've got an awesome BKK itinerary you'd love to share send it my way. I'd love some inspiration. Haha...

I miss the bu's curly hair. I miss travelling.
Must. Travel. Soon.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Are you ready for this?

Change as they say is the only constant thing in life. It's something that you can always count on. Change, no matter how big or small makes a difference in ones life. And at times when you least expect it...when change comes you just have to force yourself to adopt, learn to live with it, respect it and move on.

Why talk about change all of a sudden. Well, because a sudden shift in my life has occurred and although I would like to keep it private for now I feel like I am on the cusp of making a huge decision. Something I guess that I've been dreading. Something that will force me to face my reality as it is. A huge change is coming, I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

photo from Visualize Us
In the end, the only thing keeping us from growing is ourselves. I know I make no sense but in a way this is why I started this blog in the first place. A cathartic release to whatever pent up emotion I don't want to keep bottled up. I know what's happening, I have to face it and hopefully in the end I'll come out better for it. 

In the mean time, I want some cake.