Sunday, August 26, 2012

Winning at the Toy Expo!

You know that surreal feeling when something completely unexpected happens and in that moment you're dumbstruck. Yes, I'm being extremely dramatic because I won an xBox 360 Kinect in the Toy Kingdom's Toy Expo VIP event. :D

Without bias, we've always loved Toy Kingdom. When we're in the mall thinking of ways to kill time we always seem to end up in a toy store. When we have to get presents for our nieces and nephews the bu and I always seem to end up in Toy Kingdom because the choices seem endless.

So I was extremely excited when my client asked for a campaign for Toy Kingdom. Even more excited when he asked me to come to the VIP Night. One of my friends that I met when I was still in events was very much connected to Toy Kingdom too. It was bound to be a mini reunion. And apparently so much more. :)

The invites stated we should come in black tie for boys and cocktail dresses for girls. hmmm...this was not something you usually see in a toy store. This was bound to be bigger. :D

Since I'm up for any excuse to get all girly that was a plus too! Here I am with Jinoe, who was one of the few who came in black tie. Apparently, people don't follow these things anymore. Shame! Shame!

What did we find at the Toy Expo? Loads and loads of toys...and interactive exhibits!

I have more than a few family members obsessed with Lego.

And these Transformers were an amazing sight to see. 

But I personally found these guys to be way cuter! :D

There was even a display for the big boys. :D

And of course the girls would never be left out!

I had the awesomest time. From playing games at the Nickelodeon Booth. To walking around admiring all the toys that weren't invented yet when I was a kid. ahahaha...seriously though, wow the toys now a days. WOW. And thinking of all the other toys I have yet to list down for the bu to get me! It was so much fun!

If you still have nothing planned for the day I suggest you head on over to SMX and enjoy yourself with the kids. Or if you're like me and you don't have kids yet, bring your friends you're bound to find something that will entertain you! I sure did! 

The Toy Kingdom Toy Expo is a big toy store for all members of the family! :D

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Yay for Ange's Baby!!!

I've been a part of the events industry for awhile now, the bu and I started out in college when I used to staff for a few events with the bu's sis-in-law.

we were all on board for the first 5 runs MYOH Manila.
After I resigned from my teaching position, I transitioned from being a part-time staff to being full on staff. 
got my co-teachers to help out in events too! With teacher KM!

My first event, these girls turned out to be awesome friends. :D
It was a lot of fun and you learn a lot of things in the process. Although let me tell you, working in events is not all's a whole lot of hard work and a quick short party in the end. But if you're like me and you're into instant gratification, yes, yes laugh it out nothing wrong with that statement then working in events would be perfect because at the end of the day you get to see all your ideas and hard work come to life. In the end all that blood, sweat and tears would be worth it! :D

supporting Jenjennifermateoguiodecilli for her Khiels event! :D
I love the EM girls. :D      
So after that extensive intro, let me get to the meat of the subject. A few months back a really good childhood friend of mine told us that she was pregnant! yaaaay! You must understand, I've known this friend since we were in Kinder. Yup, kinder. So you can imagine the happiness and excitement there when someone you knew as a child is about to have a child of her own. It's...surreal. haha

just a year ago she was getting married!
So she asked a friend and myself if we could  get together and work on her baby shower with her. Her surprise baby shower! hahaha...Of course we immediately said yes! How exciting is it to plan a baby shower for someone you've known for most of your life. So after our preliminary meeting where we decided on the theme and the pegs for the shower, we went our separate lives and well, sadly work ate me up. Yes, I have been a workaholic again lately. I don't like it but it's true. :(( we all must sacrifice a little. :D

Now here's the other thing, the dates kept getting moved around and I must admit it became quite hard to keep up. I was doing too many things and juggling too many responsibilities that I lost track of the date. It's a good thing my partner Ele had my back. We planned, printed and put together an awesome baby shower. Of course we couldn't have done it without the help of everyone who pitched in! :D oh and of course all those hours I wasted on pinterest was put to good use too!

Let me share with you a few photos...

no, that is not a ball, that is a pregnant woman's belly...
and those giant blue balls are her boobs

when we decided on a theme my friend had these balls made
Ele and I strung them up one row at a time...

awesome printables are awesome. :D
Cupcakes by Ernaline's Food Haven

These cupcake toppers were so adorable we had make them!

ah pinterest, thank you for this idea.
the table cloth came from the caterer, Ange's shobe helped us with the centerpiece
We made "wishes for baby" paper for guests to write on
giveaways! :D
Ele had the hardest time mixing in those blue balls, yes I said blue balls
We had a blast, the food was plentiful enough to feed a 100 people when there were barely 30 of us...but the best part, the games. Initially Ele and I were hesitant, we weren't sure how many people would actually join. But since there were only a few of us we ended up with only 2 teams! :D Both competitive but of course the girls were at an advantage since they are girls. Which obviously means we totally rock more than the guys do. 

In the end, the party was a blast, we just kept laughing and squealing the entire time. So congratulations Ange and Dave! :D Can't wait for the little bundle of joy to come out! weeee!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Saltimbanco makes its way to Manila! Cirque du Soleil part Deux!

I have been friends with Val for more than 10 years now, quite a long time. Despite the fact that we have different personalities. I'm very nice and she's very evil. *insert eye rolling from Val here* I consider her a very close friend. I call her when I have stupid crazy stuff to share and well she does the same thing too, most of the time. I remember her whenever I see lizards, big or small, because she loves them dearly. Want to know how crazy she is, she prefers you refer to her as Master. Yup! Delusions of grandeur.

Everyone, meet Valdemort!

Isn't she pretty? She's single, call me I'll hook you up!!! bwahahahaha...I kid, I kid.

So why am I writing about Val? Well, she is one of the reasons why I love Cirque du Soleil. She is part of the awesome Hoopla Inc. team. Don't know Hoopla? They brought in Varekai, Saltimbanco and Fuerta Bruza. All world class shows made accessible to the Filipinos. :D Anyway, Val is their resident artist in other words all those Cirque things you see scattered around the Metro, she had a hand in making them. Because she works very closely with these productions we always end up talking about them. Most of the time she talks and I pretend to listen. See, best friends. hahaha

For the last few months we've been talking about Saltimbanco, all her deadlines and me nagging on her to get me a ticket. :P You can't help but feel excited about it. How often do you get to see a world class production that's a mere drive away? And because I missed my first opportunity to see it I had to make sure I would make it the next time opportunity presented itself. 

Last Saturday was THE day. Despite the worst traffic in history the bu and I made in time to hear them welcome everyone to Saltimbanco! Boy did it not disappoint. 

Of course comparisons to Varekai were inevitable.Varekai was a show filled with stunts while Saltimbanco was a show filled with acts. Varekai was more dramatic while Saltimbanco was more loud and fun. But both shows were filled with color and sound and movement and energy that when we left both the bu and I could not stop talking about it.

What I didn't realize from watching Varekai was that the music is amazing. They sing everything live and you will be in awe. They don't sing with english lyrics so you won't get distracted. If you're watching the show this run notice how amazing they sound. :D

I think it's time I share something personal, when I was a little girl I had big dreams of becoming an awesome gymnast. I would practice by myself since my parents refused to let me join any class for fear that my leg muscles would overtake the rest of my body, for that I am grateful. After watching Saltimbanco I realized, no matter how much I wanted to become a gymnast these people have managed to take things to a whole 'nother level. Their flexibility and strength are sub-human. Ask the super strong guy "Arnold Swarchenegger" who literally lifted a guy his size using his NECK. Yup, his neck...look ma no hands! It was crazy. That's as much of a spoiler I'm giving, the rest of the acts you've got to see for yourself!

The bu and I were lucky enough to score VIP tickets from a fantabulous friend, that meant we were seated right where the action was. We literally had cast members walking up and down the aisle in front of us. The bu actually had to sit up straight one time because Eddie was on his way over. Luckily neither of us were chosen to go on stage but props to the dad who did. His son's reaction was priceless. He will be hero for many years to come.

Another perk of the VIP area was that you get to enjoy food during the break. Since we ran from Shang, got stuck in traffic and ran to the Arena there was no eating time in between. Lucky for us there was complimentary grub from Manila Hotel.

 We ate our fill and enjoyed the rest of the show. It was quite an experience and I'm sure Hoopla has more in store for all of us! I can't wait!!!

Just a few more days left so get your tickets now, you wouldn't want to miss this opportunity!

Venue:Mall Of Asia Arena

Show Schedule (August 9-19, 2012):

Thursday, August 9 at 8:00 PM
Friday, August 10 at 4:00 and 8:00 PM
Saturday, August 11 at  4:00 and 8:00 PM
Sunday, August 12 at 1:00 and 5:00 PM
Tuesday, August 14 at  8:00 PM
Wednesday, August 15 at  8:00 PM
Thursday, August 16 at  8:00 PM
Friday, August 17 at  8:00 PM
Saturday, August 18 at  4:00 and 8:00 PM
Sunday, August 19 at 1:00 and 5:00 PM

Ticket Prices:
                                                  ADULT                    CHILD
VIP                                         Php 10,500                  Php 8,400
PATRON CENTER                           7,500                         6,000
LOWER BOX CENTER                     5,500                         4,500
PATRON SIDES                              5,500                          4,500
LOWER BOX SIDES                        3,500                          2,800
UPPER BOX                                    2,500                          2,000
GA                                                  1,200                             960

Purchase your tickets here:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Saturdate rush...

I have a bad habit of over-booking my personal social commitments. Yup, I am notorious for saying yes to dinner only to realize I already have plans for a movie at the same time. Frustrating. For someone who does organization professionally I totally suck organizing my own plans. I blame it on the fact that I barely had time to see my friends before so when they call for a meet up I always want to be there. The bu always has a field day when that happens. 

So why did I all of a sudden fess up to that embarrassing attribute...well, because yesterday was a very stressful day. Although I did not double book, our commitments were too close together that it was extremely stressful. 

I started out the day pretty calm, I was home watching videos waiting for the bu to get home from duty. So my morning was spent lazing around doing nothing except mentally preparing myself for the busy day ahead. The boyfriend wasn't as lucky since he barely got any sleep. After grabbing a quick bite for lunch I forced him to take a nap before we went to the Bourne Legacy screening being held by Nuffnang and Mandaue Foam in Shangr-La. Yay for Nuffnang Philippines and Mandaue Foam although the movie was a bit on the meh side for me I still felt kilig when Rachel Weisz first said "Manila, Philippines" haha

The screening itself started at 4 and was supposed to end at 6 which would have given us 2 hours to get to the MOA Arena for Saltimbanco. Yup, we were finally going to be able to watch Cirque du Soleil. Our lucky day! Unfortunately the movie ended at around 6:20 which meant we had to run all the way from the movie house to the car. I was wearing the most uncomfortable shoes known to man. My feet were killing me. They were flats but they didn't fit right so it was giving me the worst blisters.

Before leaving Shang though we made an effort to check the traffic situation. Since I use a BB and not an iPhone as my primary phone I didn't have the MMDA app, I had the Metro Traffic Live app.


Let me tell you, that app SUCKS. I check it and it assures me that the traffic from Shaw - MOA is moderate - light so we decide that's best route to take. We stop for gas which couldn't have lasted more than 10 mins but BAM! we were stuck in the worst traffic EVER! Yup! A bumper to bumper, this sure isn't moderate traffic kind of situation. To make matters worse, we were on a tight schedule. So after much praying and stressing we finally get to MOA 10 mins before the show was supposed to start. 10 mins and we still had to find parking!!!

Parking proved to be a breeze but it was so far from the Arena that I literally forced the bu to sprint. We were running like lunatics. All those days spent running finally paid off! Let me tell you, those shoes were NOT made for walking all the more running but I was stressed! I already missed part of the Varekai opening I wouldn't miss the Saltimbanco opening if I could do something about it. Which I didn't because we walked in right as she was saying "Welcome to Saltimbanco" hahaha

Despite the fact that we were a bit late, the bu and I enjoyed ourselves. :D We had a wonderful time watching at the movies and at Cirque and well, just spending time together after being stranded apart the whole week. Saltimbanco was great, let me tell you all about it next time!

Maybe over-booking your weekends isn't such a bad idea if you're overbooking it with someone you love. Pass the cheese Luis! Just make sure you don't trust an app that tricks you into taking a heavy traffic route because it's stupid. hah!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Saltimbanco another day...

I've always loved productions. The choreography, the sounds, the lights, the drama. They're just so much fun to watch. I think part of the reason why I loved the time I spent in London was because I was able to watch so many musicals. Almost everything on my list was crossed out, plus some other shows I didn't think I'd watch. :) Sadly I wasn't able to watch the All Male Swan Lake. That would have been nice. hehe...

Anyway, a really awesome friend of mine who I loosely call my best friend since I talk to her the most out of my HS Barkada invited my to watch the premier of Cirque du Soleil's Saltimbanco and I was over the moon! :D You have to understand, I had been perstering her about tickets since the press conference ages ago and she would not commit! hahahaha...Now that that's in perspective you can now understand how excited I was when she called me to tell me she had tickets for me! Yaaaaay! Cirque du Soleil Saltimbanco here we come!!!


Or so we thought...

Much thanks to the habagat, plans had to be changed and well...sadly we weren't able to go. Until yesterday early afternoon I was stranded at home, the floods outside our village were high and well I wasn't the type of person who would walk into floodwater. Not that type of girl!

view from the main road

Floods effectively kept us home
***photos from Facebook
So imagine the stress I must have given best-friend Val, I kept calling her to tell her we couldn't make it, then we could, then we couldn't. Sorry best friend! Didn't mean to add to your stress. Hehe...

So wan't to know why I was so excited to watch Saltimbanco? Let me tell you about it...

Saltimbanco is Cirque du Soleils longest-running touring show and has performed since 1992. That means  a whole lot of people have already watched the show and have enjoyed it. I don't think it would have lasted this long if it wasn't awesome.

According to research, Saltimbanco has a cast of 50 high-caliber artists hailing from 20 different countries,  featuring breathtaking acrobatics and unbelievable athleticism during solo spotlights and epic ensembles. 

I remember the time the bu and I watched Varekai. It was so awesmazing that we couldn't stop talking about it. Apparently this show is a much bigger production. Their costumes, make up and set design is just so colorful and vibrant and that's just one aspect of the show. Then they start doing their stunts and you just sit there. Awe-struck. 

Don't believe me...let me show you...

That's just a sneak peak at some of the things you will see in Saltimbanco. So if I were you, I'd go on out and get myself a ticket. I'm sure it going to be worth your money.

Mall Of Asia Arena
Show Schedule (August 9-19, 2012):
Thursday, August 9 at 8:00 PM
Friday, August 10 at 4:00 and 8:00 PM
Saturday, August 11 at  4:00 and 8:00 PM
Sunday, August 12 at 1:00 and 5:00 PM
Tuesday, August 14 at  8:00 PM
Wednesday, August 15 at  8:00 PM
Thursday, August 16 at  8:00 PM
Friday, August 17 at  8:00 PM
Saturday, August 18 at  4:00 and 8:00 PM
Sunday, August 19 at 1:00 and 5:00 PM

Ticket Prices:
                                                  ADULT                    CHILD
VIP                                         Php 10,500                  Php 8,400
PATRON CENTER                         7,500                        6,000
LOWER BOX CENTER                 5,500                         4,500
PATRON SIDES                             5,500                         4,500
LOWER BOX SIDES                     3,500                         2,800
UPPER BOX                                   2,500                         2,000
GA                                                   1,200                            960

Purchase your tickets here:


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sharing some important things we might need

Important Emergency Numbers in case you need them:

National Disaster and Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Hotlines: 911-1406, 912-2665, 912-5668
Philippine National Police (PM) Hotline: Patrol 117 or send TXT PMP to 2920
Bureau of Fire Protection (NCR): 729 5166, 410-6254, 431-8859, 407-1230
Department of Transportation and Communications Hotline: 7890 or  0918-8848484
Metro Manila Development Authority Metrobase Hotline: 136 MMDA Flood Control: 882-41777, 882-0925
Department of Public Works and Highways DPWH - 304-3713
Red Cross Hotline: 143, 911-1876
North Luzon Expressway NLEX hotlines: 3-5000, 580-8910
Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway SCTEX Hotlines: 0920-96SCTEX (72839)
Skyway System Hotline: 776-7777,  0915-6256231 0939-5006910
South Luzon Expressway SLEX hotline:  0908-8807539
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Hotline 433-8526
Philippine Coast Guard: 527-3877, 527-8481,  0917-7243682, 0917-PCG-DOTC
Local Government Units (Partial)
Manila traffic hotline: 527-3087
Cainta Traffic hotline: 646-0044, 6557368 loc 164
Las Pinas Traffic: 874-5756, 874-3957, 874-3927
Mandaluyong hotline:  534-2993
Taguig Traffic: 838-4301 loc 7112
Marikina STOC: 646-1651
Pasig Traffic: 643-0000l 724-5813
Makati public safety: 844-3146, 819-3270


Pinas 911 has unified the most popular Philippine Flood related advisory hashtags from Twitter and laid them out here for your convenience. 
A google map of donation areas:

View 2012 August - Donation Center Map in a larger map
MANILA, Philippines - With over 20,000 people displaced due to torrential rains in Metro Manila, various evacuation centers have opened up to aid those affected by the rain.
Here’s a list of major evacuation centers across the Metro, as well as relief operations that have already started:
(We’ll be populating the list as more information comes)
Las Pinas
  • Mats, old tarps, food, clothes for forwarding to DSWD are being accepted at The Commissary at Whitespace.
  • The P&P Tattoo branch in Makati will be accepting donations for forwarding to the GMA
  • La Salle Greenhills has started relief operations inside campus. Donations are being accepted at Gate 2 of the campus along Ortigas Avenue, according to a Facebook post. As of posting, only the following donations will be accepted: ready-to-eat food, water, and clothes.
  • People may seek center in Greenhills Christian Fellowship. You can also contact their Crisis Reponse team ( 0917-5327525).
  • The lower ground floor of Mega Mall A is a drop off point for donations, as spearheaded by Divine Lee.
  • Donations for flood victims may be dropped off at the main gate of the Poveda campus.
  • People in the SM Mall of Asia may seek shelter inside the complex. The mall is open until further notice, according to a tweet.
  • Relief goods (canned food, rice, blankets, clothes, medicine, etc.) may be dropped off at the Tanjuatco Law Office at the 11th floor of Taipan Place, Emerald Avenue, Ortigas Center in Pasig. Look for Jessie or Jossette, call 6370200.
Quezon City
  • In the Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools campus, some classrooms may be used by those in need of shelter from the rain. Those with gate passes to the campus may park their cars at the P-1 parking area of the campus, according to an announcement from the university(Note: Ateneo has yet to announce if the classrooms are available to the public)
  • Relief operations at Ateneo have also began. Food, water, and blankets may be dropped off at the lobby of Cervini Hall inside the Loyola Schools campus. As of posting, they will not be accepting clothes.
  • Akbayanihan Relief Center now accepting donations. Food, water, clothes, and the like being accepted at the Akbayan headquarters in 36B Madasalin Street, Sikatuna Village. You may contact  (02)4336933 / 09175381816 / 09064304315 if you want to volunteer.
  • Relief goods are being accepted at the Mt. Carmel Parish in New Manila, where 500 evacuees are staying.
  • The Mother of Divine Providence Parish in Payatas needs uncooked rice, canned goods, noodles, and clothes. Donations may be dropped off at San Juan, Evangelista Street, Campsite, Payatas.
  • IskoOperation in UP Diliman will now accept donations. They’re also on the look-out for volunteers. Contact the USC-UPD or the college councils (09277571005 or 09065701029), according to USC-UPC Chairperson Heart Dino.
  • Those living in the vicinity of Sto. Domingo Church in Quezon City are being asked to help provide food and drinks to 400-500 evacuees staying in the Church. Food, water, dry clothes deeded.
San Juan
  • Those living in the Fort Bonifacio area may drop off their donations at the Enderun college. Those who want to help may contact Luz Cleofas of the Taguig DSWD (5423693, 09175637314), says director Lino Cayetano.
Did we miss out on an evacuation center? Send us a tweet (@rapplerdotcom) or leave a comment below, and we’ll update the list.