Monday, May 3, 2010

The Great Unkown

I am not someone who goes into the great unknown without a great big flashlight to guide me! If possible, I bring a map and a guide! hahaha...I like being sure. I like knowing. But in the next couple of weeks, I do not know what lies ahead. And I am excited! :)

The past few days, the reality of everything is slowly getting to me. Planning for vacations with my friends in the office make me realize I have nothing else planned for after the 14th. I have bought books and I do plan to catch up on my reading. But I don't plan on doing that for very long. A young person like me has tons of potential. I didn't say that, my friend did. I'm not THAT narcissistic, yet. I don't plan on wasting time. The rest is much needed and will be greatly appreciated. I'm taking a couple of weeks off then I'm taking the Great Unknown head on! World, prepare yourself! :P

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