Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thank you...part 1! :D

OMG!!! We’re married!!! :D

It’s crazy because after 11, well almost 12 as my dad pointed out, of being boyfriend – girlfriend this felt a long time coming and now that it has I still can’t wrap my head around it.

So as made obvious by the numerous posts I’ve been writing, or not, my life has been tumultuous as of recent. From the wedding planning to work to just plain being sickly old me there hasn’t really been any time for me to sit down and actually write down the stuff that’s been going on. But since the Bu and I are leaving for our Honeymoon – woot woot – tom night I figured I should at least get our thank you post out already! :D Ok, so obviously this didn't get posted in time, but today marks our first month together and I think it's about time this post gets out, don't you? haha...

There’s just too many people to thank and admittedly during the reception itself we didn’t really make a list. Hah! Ok, I forgot and let’s face it Miggy wouldn’t really know who to thank. Haha…So let’s face it, this is going to be an extremely long post. You’ve been warned! Read on if you want to, but I encourage you to. Haha…

I keep trying to think back on who I should thank first. And well it only comes down to one person. Tita Baby! :D I can’t really go into much detail since she told me not to tell anyone, but she’s one of the main reasons why Miggy and I finally sat down together and decided this was really going to happen. So thanks TIta Baby for being that push we needed to get us moving! :D We love you to bits! You’ve no idea.

So who did I first share my awesome news with. I can’t really remember. To be honest though, we had already begun planning our wedding waaaaaay before we announced our engagement. But I remember one of the first persons I told was Mervin because I wanted him to design my gown. I remember the phone call when I asked him if I ever got married would he help me with my dress and without even waiting to be asked he already volunteered to do it. He’s awesome and don’t you agree that I looked stunning. I couldn’t have done that all on my own you know. I met Mervs a few years back when we worked at the same company and we became fast friends. I don’t think it was really hard considering he’s such an accommodating guy and all around he’ll just help you when you need it. Awesome stylist/designer even more awesome friend! :D And yes, he did design and make all the decisions when it came to the gown and my second dress. :D He also made sure my make up and hair looked perfect. I love you Mervs, you don’t know how much. Thank you for making me look stunning that day. Everyone loved the dress, although I must admit I should have practiced walking in it first. LOL :D

That's me trying not to bawl my eyes out...I love the dress Mervs. It was perfect!

I’ve also got to thank my sister-in-law Alay because even before I told her she was going to be my Matron of Honor she was already helping us out with all the planning. Although she lacks arts and crafts skills, don’t believe me ask her to cut something for you with a pair of scissors, she was always willing to run errands with/for me. She also made sure that whenever everything seemed daunting for me she’d ask me to calm down and make a list so she could help. Oh, and in case you were wondering who the other crying person was at the wedding, that would be her. From coming to the fittings and trial make ups with me and making sure I had all my wedding paraphernalia in check. Thanks Lay! You know I love you but I might as well let the whole world know. :D

My Ahia's lovely family.
Wow, just three people and already this feels like a novel. Makes me think I should break it down into another post but to be honest I’d just end up being lazy. Haha…so let’s get on with it.

Alay was my official Matron of Honor but behind the scenes I had another Maid of Honor. Haha…we would joke about it but really Miggy and I wouldn’t be married if it wasn’t for Kaka. She literally drove to the City Hall with me, twice!, to make sure that had our Marriage License and stuff. She also went around running errands with me. I must not forget Rockie too! Both of them sat me down a month before the wedding and made sure I listed down all the things I needed and made sure I actually did it. But most of all, I need to thank these two awesome people for being extremely understanding!!! A couple of weeks before the wedding I got extremely sick it wasn’t even funny. That meant I couldn’t really do my share of work when it came down to it and not once did they say I was being unfair. They kept on insisting I rest and get better for the wedding. I did by the way. I got sick a week after the wedding though, typical me. So thanks awesome friends you guys are the best partners a girl could ever ask for! :D I love you to bits!

I couldn't find any photo with just the two of them, so here are some of my awesome friends who came to the wedding. 
Then there’s Eleonor. I’ve known Ele since we were in High School. I actually remember telling her we were getting married when she called me the night she got engaged! Hahaha…I couldn’t help sharing her happiness. Ele got married earlier this year. I originally thought we could plan our stuff together but she decided she didn’t really want to do a long engagement and got married in a jiffy. Which worked out for me because I could pester her about all the little details that drove me crazy and she would calm me down by telling me either they didn’t really matter or they would work themselves out. It was also awesome timing that she got married a few months before us because that meant she still had all her files and checklists and stuff and I could work from there. Ele also helped me with all the small stuff. From coming over to paint décor with me, to planning my surprise bridal shower with my sis-in-law and aunt, to forcing me to go to yoga because we both needed to get fit! Thanks for being my go to girl El! :D Love you!

There’s still so much more people we have to thank and this post is getting extremely long. So let me cut it here…LOL! There’s more to come! For now it’s of to Bali for us! Weeeee

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