Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A reminder that we're all human. Thank you PO1 Joselito Sevilla

I started writing this blogpost yesterday when I was extremely frustrated by the customer service of Globe. I wasn't able to finish it because I didn't want to seem to harsh or mean. So I let a day pass and tried to get my emotions in check. But then again I guess God has different plans for me today. As I was browsing through my FB timeline this afternoon I come across this link shared by a friend and it made me realize, I shouldn't really fret about the small things. Let me share with you the link that I am referring to... The Crying Cop

Everyday I try to be mindful of at least one thing in my life that I am thankful for. It keeps me grounded and sane and it makes me remember that I am indeed extremely blessed. Yesterday wasn't such a good day for me. I had a horrible time getting service from Globe. We've all had our share of horror stories and hair-pulling-extremely-annoying instances that as consumers we can only hope gets better. But then again reading that story made me realize how menial my problems and frustrations really are. Everything has to be put in perspective. However, I do admit that I am only human and there really are instances where in you loose your temper. I may look like I'm perfect but I'm really not. Hahaha, since it's my blog I have free reign and I say so. 

But let me put in my 2 cents worth on the crying cop. I am a firm believer of free speech but I am also a firm believer of respect. You can't have one without the other. I respect that some people who feel that they are oppressed have the right to go on the streets and march in protest to get themselves heard. But have they not heard of a peaceful protest? Sometimes it seems as if the ultimate goal of these protesters are to come into physical blows with the people who are trying to maintain order and safety. How do they expect to be heard when they themselves do not know how to listen. I know how frustrating it can become when you feel as though you have no voice and it will reach a point where in you will feel the need to take up arms. But what has that ever achieved? I remember a talk I had with an aunt a long time ago about being an activist. She used to be one in college and then she said she stopped because there came a point wherein she realized that she really did not know what they were rallying against, it seemed as though their only goal was to rally. Those words stuck with me. I wonder how many of those people actually know what their cause is, what do they want to achieve, what they are fighting for? I hope one day they realize that there are better ways of getting answers, there are better ways of being heard, there are more peaceful, more proactive, more productive ways that they can do aside from going into the streets armed with rocks and sticks itching for a chance to hurt someone. There is no solution in violence.

To the police officer who reminded us of the hardships and sacrifice they do to keep us safe, saludo ako sayo. Thank you PO1 Joselito Sevilla for being human enough for all of us. For standing there and keeping calm despite the crazy that was going on. Thank you for being unwavering in duty despite being there for 2 days without sleep, rest or food. Thank you for your service and your good work. Thank you for serving as an inspiration and a reminder that we can all become better people. You are a hero in my book.

I hope that when I'm having a bad day and I don't get the service that I want right away I remember that on the other side of the phone call or table or barricade, whatever it may be, is a human being and he too might not be having the best day.

Photos taken from Rem Zamora.

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