Sunday, August 12, 2012

Saturdate rush...

I have a bad habit of over-booking my personal social commitments. Yup, I am notorious for saying yes to dinner only to realize I already have plans for a movie at the same time. Frustrating. For someone who does organization professionally I totally suck organizing my own plans. I blame it on the fact that I barely had time to see my friends before so when they call for a meet up I always want to be there. The bu always has a field day when that happens. 

So why did I all of a sudden fess up to that embarrassing attribute...well, because yesterday was a very stressful day. Although I did not double book, our commitments were too close together that it was extremely stressful. 

I started out the day pretty calm, I was home watching videos waiting for the bu to get home from duty. So my morning was spent lazing around doing nothing except mentally preparing myself for the busy day ahead. The boyfriend wasn't as lucky since he barely got any sleep. After grabbing a quick bite for lunch I forced him to take a nap before we went to the Bourne Legacy screening being held by Nuffnang and Mandaue Foam in Shangr-La. Yay for Nuffnang Philippines and Mandaue Foam although the movie was a bit on the meh side for me I still felt kilig when Rachel Weisz first said "Manila, Philippines" haha

The screening itself started at 4 and was supposed to end at 6 which would have given us 2 hours to get to the MOA Arena for Saltimbanco. Yup, we were finally going to be able to watch Cirque du Soleil. Our lucky day! Unfortunately the movie ended at around 6:20 which meant we had to run all the way from the movie house to the car. I was wearing the most uncomfortable shoes known to man. My feet were killing me. They were flats but they didn't fit right so it was giving me the worst blisters.

Before leaving Shang though we made an effort to check the traffic situation. Since I use a BB and not an iPhone as my primary phone I didn't have the MMDA app, I had the Metro Traffic Live app.


Let me tell you, that app SUCKS. I check it and it assures me that the traffic from Shaw - MOA is moderate - light so we decide that's best route to take. We stop for gas which couldn't have lasted more than 10 mins but BAM! we were stuck in the worst traffic EVER! Yup! A bumper to bumper, this sure isn't moderate traffic kind of situation. To make matters worse, we were on a tight schedule. So after much praying and stressing we finally get to MOA 10 mins before the show was supposed to start. 10 mins and we still had to find parking!!!

Parking proved to be a breeze but it was so far from the Arena that I literally forced the bu to sprint. We were running like lunatics. All those days spent running finally paid off! Let me tell you, those shoes were NOT made for walking all the more running but I was stressed! I already missed part of the Varekai opening I wouldn't miss the Saltimbanco opening if I could do something about it. Which I didn't because we walked in right as she was saying "Welcome to Saltimbanco" hahaha

Despite the fact that we were a bit late, the bu and I enjoyed ourselves. :D We had a wonderful time watching at the movies and at Cirque and well, just spending time together after being stranded apart the whole week. Saltimbanco was great, let me tell you all about it next time!

Maybe over-booking your weekends isn't such a bad idea if you're overbooking it with someone you love. Pass the cheese Luis! Just make sure you don't trust an app that tricks you into taking a heavy traffic route because it's stupid. hah!

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