Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love...paying it forward.

I was having a conversation with the bu last night on they way home and I realized just how lucky I am to have him in my life. You see, our situation recently has been less than ideal. I can't say anything more than that. If we're close enough, you would know without having to ask, if you don't know, well then, that's just that, you weren't meant to know.

I realized that the way to truly love someone is to trust them to be the best person they can be and in the process, learn from them as they learn from you. I have had to grow up real fast in the last couple of years. I had to be the responsible one, although I do recognize that there is so much more growing up that needs to be done. I learned how to survive, I learned how to support, I learned of the realities of life and having to figure out how to get through them. I went through a rough patch. I went through a crazy time and it's something that I'm not proud of. But I'm blessed to have someone who was there for me in the end. I am loved and for that I am lucky.

Love is allowing growth. Giving enough space to breathe but knowing that you'll always be there. When i first started thinking of things to post. I had tons of ideas...but it all boiled down to one. When you have people who love you and support you, everything is possible. And whatever the world may think of you, it shouldn't matter.

I feel sad thinking that somewhere out there people don't have what I have, support, family, friends. It's hard to think about it but it's reality. Not everyone is lucky enough. When I am able, I will hopefully be able to help. Think of ways to spread the love. We all should. Think of this way, if we all supported a stranger, at least one random stranger everyday, won't we have a more happy and peaceful world. get a movement started. Won't that be something.

The pay it forward idea is nothing new, but it's something taken for granted. So today, let me try it. I will do something nice for a stranger and hope to God that whoever that person may be, they do the same thing for the next stranger they meet. :)

Here's to the hope of a better tom! :)

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