Saturday, January 12, 2013

Change is coming! :D

I just got home from a really looooong day of errands. I have to go to a friend's party but it looks like I might not make it out, I have a massive headache and well, my cough is very persistent despite the fact that I've finished my meds.

Anyway, the reason I decided to blog today is because as I was browsing through a friends blog I got inspired by her optimism. :D You see, growing up I was sort of the pessimist. And then I realized that when you learn to look at things from a different, more sunny perspective, everything changes and life just becomes better. I know it is because my faith and relationship with God has grown. I have faith that even if things don't really seem great, in due time, they will turn around,  I just have to be patient.

I've been extremely excited to start this year. Yup, that's right...this year is going to be awesome. There's a lot of things to work out and a lot of work to be done. But I know that it will be great! :D I can't wait to be able to share it with everyone, but for me when I say,

photo sourced from the internet

It is bound to be awesome! :D

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