Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lazy Sunday...but not for long! :)

Sundays used to be family day, or at least that was the whole concept growing up. I remember when we were kids we would have lunch with my dad's family sometimes, and dinner with my mom's family at my great-grandparents house ALL THE TIME. It was sooo much fun because the whole clan would be there. Yup, I grew up seeing my cousins all the time. I guess that's the main reason why it's not so bad that I don't have sisters cause I kinda still do. 

my awesome family having a Benjamin Button New Year.
My great-grandparents have a huge house with a garden and really big Macopa tree in the back. There would be times when we would pick the low hanging fruit and munch on them. Ok, maybe just take a bite from them then give them to yaya. We were more into picking the fruit than eating it. I also remember how when we were young there were geese in the backyard. Yup, it was a fun house and there are a lot of memories there. Maybe when we have kids of our own we'll bring them to my grandparents house every Sunday so that they could spend time with their cousins too. :)

Recently though, since I started working Sundays has been more of a rest day. Time to stay home, relax, sleep and just be lazy. Props to my parents for always having the energy to take us around and spend time with us when I can imagine all they wanted to do was stay home, put their feet up and take a breather from their hectic lives at work.

So right now, here I am being lazy, lying in bed not really wanting to move I thought it would be an awesome time for me to think of other things I could be doing to make my Sundays more productive. Starting next week!

I've always wanted to learn how to cook and I've had a go at a few recipes but because I want to someday be able to cook without having to refer to a cookbook all the time I guess I need to practice. So maybe I'll cook Sunday dinners for the family. That way I get an excuse to cook and at least my Sunday isn't wasted. 

***photo from the internet
I've also been wanting to learn how to paint. But since that's probably still a long time coming, maybe I'll figure out how to sketch first. :) I remember one random time in my life when I decided I would make oil-pastel drawings because I had fun memories of a project we did in grade school. I attempted to do it. I initially wanted to do pointilism but the oil pastel would just NOT cooperate so I did what I could. And here's what happened.

Iris on Oil Pastel
It's not exactly Monet but I must say it didn't turn out so bad. now I just need to keep practicing I believe. Ahahaha...another one of my projects. When I'm older and I won't be working anymore this is what I will be doing. Aside from ballet that is. :D

That's a couple of this that I could spend my time doing instead of just lying down and watching videos being a complete sloth. But for now I'm going to will myself to start moving and get ready so I can get a foot massage while I kill time before dinner. Tonight I'm seeing my baby boy! :) I caaaan't wait!

So how do you spend your Sundays?

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