Friday, June 11, 2010

Finding New Meaning

I have been through a slump recently. I admit, I've been taking my sweet time. Not really doing anything, just going with it. It's a bad cycle and I must get myself out of it. After my two interviews I have yet to send out more resumes. I don't really know what's taking so long, but I do know that I have to kick myself in the butt to get things moving.

The recent days have proven to be a roller coaster of emotions. One minute I'm seething mad, the next I'm perfectly fine. I'm trying to control my temper and with that my emotions. It's not a good thing letting them loose all the time. Marks the existence of an immature person. :) In the process of learning about myself, there are times when you come across things you might not necessarily approve off. And these past few days, I have come face to face with that reality.

I am not a perfect person. Not at all near it, but as I strive to be a better version of me, I have to assess. Everything. And sometimes, you just realize, that's not cool. without going into detail...I must become better.

Moving on. Met up with one of my closest friends last night and she is going for her first two interviews today! So yay for you Pom! :) Sending out lots of positive energy! I'm so proud of you!

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