Then a few years ago I started servicing a surf brand, Aloha Boardsports. Now let me get this straight, I was already interested in the sport before servicing the brand but at that time the thought of traveling by myself was a bit daunting. Yes, I was a sheltered child, blame my parents and at that time it was still quite expensive to go on a surf trip. So imagine the excitement I felt when I was going to be given the opportunity to actually get to know these guys and work with them up close. It was exciting to say the least. :)
This was their original logo which they recently changed to become a little bit more sophisticated...
Anyway, so there. I've established the fact that I'm a frustrated surfer who still wants to learn and who still wants to give it a go despite the fact that I haven't been on a board for the loooooongest time. It will most certainly be interesting.
So my friends from my old office are surfer wannabes like me. They love the sand, sea and the surf like I do and we have constant plans to go out of town together. Unfortunately none of these plans have actually pushed through. It has become frustrating actually. But, we all agreed to see this movie together. Movie date night! I'm so excited. So I'm sharing with you guys the preview so you can be excited with me!:) Enjoy!