I haven't been able to update my blog recently, been super busy with work. It's hard to sit down and concentrate on writing everything that's going on when you're doing two presentations, talking to four clients while overseeing 2 on going events! :) Juggling act in itself. So forgive the absence, I will write about everything soon!
Now back to work...and this is why I love my job, it keeps me on my toes! :)
This blog started out as a way for me to document the huge changes in my life after making a huge step into the unknown. Now it's morphed into an avenue for me to share the things I experience as well as my thoughts on topics I think should be discussed. :)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
My Take on Despicable Me! :)
I had been dying to watch this movie since first seeing it's trailer about a couple of months ago. It was too cute and well, I'm a sucker for cuteness. So the bu and I made sure we got to watch it as soon as it came out. So one Tuesday we went on a double date with Karla, my new friend, and her beau Gabo. :)
When I finally was able to see it, I wasn't that impressed. Ok, let me explain myself. I liked it, it was so so. I mean I have seen better and all that hype...it makes you have all these ideas in your head then bam...let down. Not good.
I liked Agnes, she really was what made the movie adorable. Her and the minions. But the story was a bit too dry for me. It was another one of those movies where you can already imagine the next scene...
I really hate it when the trailer is practically what the whole movie is about. It takes everything away from the movie. You've already seen the funny parts. You've already learned the funny lines. You've already laughed at the characters. It makes watching the movie feel like you're watching a re-run. And having to pay so much for a movie, it's a waste to pay for a re-run.
I would suggest watching this movie if you really have nothing else to watch. It's one of those movies you can just catch on DVD. Although, Gabo would beg to differ, apparently it is better to watch in 3D. I decided to catch it on 2D and it was nothing spectacular.
But that's just my point of view...
When I finally was able to see it, I wasn't that impressed. Ok, let me explain myself. I liked it, it was so so. I mean I have seen better and all that hype...it makes you have all these ideas in your head then bam...let down. Not good.
I liked Agnes, she really was what made the movie adorable. Her and the minions. But the story was a bit too dry for me. It was another one of those movies where you can already imagine the next scene...
I really hate it when the trailer is practically what the whole movie is about. It takes everything away from the movie. You've already seen the funny parts. You've already learned the funny lines. You've already laughed at the characters. It makes watching the movie feel like you're watching a re-run. And having to pay so much for a movie, it's a waste to pay for a re-run.
I would suggest watching this movie if you really have nothing else to watch. It's one of those movies you can just catch on DVD. Although, Gabo would beg to differ, apparently it is better to watch in 3D. I decided to catch it on 2D and it was nothing spectacular.
But that's just my point of view...
The Suite Life
Been living in a hotel since Sunday and well, although there are perks in living there like having someone clean your room for you and bring you everything you want right to your room and you do get to sleep under such comfy covers and nice pillows I'm starting to miss home...
My aunt's neighbor has been driving her mad. So to get healthier she decided to move to a hotel temporarily and since she doesn't have anyone with her, my cousin and I volunteered.
I have been eating my way into a coma. Since Monday morning when we ate at the buffet for breakfast I haven't been able to take a breather. Not that I'm complaining, don't get me wrong, I love it. But seriously, it's a lot of food. I am now probably 10 pounds heavier than when I started. I weighed myself too so I know what I started with. Not good. haha...I need to exercise.
So today I'm going to walk...around the mall. Hahaha...it's a compromise.
My aunt's neighbor has been driving her mad. So to get healthier she decided to move to a hotel temporarily and since she doesn't have anyone with her, my cousin and I volunteered.
I have been eating my way into a coma. Since Monday morning when we ate at the buffet for breakfast I haven't been able to take a breather. Not that I'm complaining, don't get me wrong, I love it. But seriously, it's a lot of food. I am now probably 10 pounds heavier than when I started. I weighed myself too so I know what I started with. Not good. haha...I need to exercise.
So today I'm going to walk...around the mall. Hahaha...it's a compromise.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
For Sai and Nix...
I had to work this weekend so I only got to check my FB today and I got a message from a friend. Our friend's fiance passed away. :( They were getting married in 36 days...
I was there through it all, I witnessed the making of the relationship, the mini break up, the getting back together. Her moving to the US. Them making it work. Him asking her to marry him and her saying yes. Us planning and talking about it. Everything was ready. Everything was set. Then he got into a traffic altercation and then everything got taken away.
Life isn't fair. I know that. But this...it is just cruel. It's injustice. It wasn't supposed to be like that. They were supposed to grow old together and be happy. My heart breaks for her. I cannot even begin to imagine what it's like for her. I am in shock. Lost. I don't know what to do, what to think, how to feel. I am stunned.
I only wish justice for Sai. No one deserved that kind of death, all the more not Sai. He was kind and jolly and always smiling. No one had the right to take that away from us, most especially from Nix. I love you Nix. You are strong, I will not say it will be ok, I know it feels like it won't ever be. But trust in God, trust in the love of your family and friends. You are loved Nix, you will always be loved. We are here.
I was there through it all, I witnessed the making of the relationship, the mini break up, the getting back together. Her moving to the US. Them making it work. Him asking her to marry him and her saying yes. Us planning and talking about it. Everything was ready. Everything was set. Then he got into a traffic altercation and then everything got taken away.
Life isn't fair. I know that. But this...it is just cruel. It's injustice. It wasn't supposed to be like that. They were supposed to grow old together and be happy. My heart breaks for her. I cannot even begin to imagine what it's like for her. I am in shock. Lost. I don't know what to do, what to think, how to feel. I am stunned.
I only wish justice for Sai. No one deserved that kind of death, all the more not Sai. He was kind and jolly and always smiling. No one had the right to take that away from us, most especially from Nix. I love you Nix. You are strong, I will not say it will be ok, I know it feels like it won't ever be. But trust in God, trust in the love of your family and friends. You are loved Nix, you will always be loved. We are here.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Congratulations to the new MDs! :)
Becoming a doctor isn't easy. It's 4 years of premed, 4 years of med proper, 1 year of internship then about 6 months to get ready for the boards. That's almost 10 years of your life studying and earning nothing. hahaha...so yay to my new MD friends! :) Thank you for the libre! :)

I tried looking for photos of each of you but I couldn't find any. So since half of you are in this photo it will do! hahaha...
Congrats Arby, Frank, Chips, Jerome and PJ! :)

I tried looking for photos of each of you but I couldn't find any. So since half of you are in this photo it will do! hahaha...
Congrats Arby, Frank, Chips, Jerome and PJ! :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
And just to keep it going! :)
A doctor examining a woman who had been rushed to the Emergency Room, took the husband aside, and said, 'I don't like the looks of your wife at all.'
'Me neither doc,' said the husband.
'But she's a great cook and really good with the kids.'
hahaha...thank you best friend! :) for entertaining me today! :) you are the awesomest! :)
A doctor examining a woman who had been rushed to the Emergency Room, took the husband aside, and said, 'I don't like the looks of your wife at all.'
'Me neither doc,' said the husband.
'But she's a great cook and really good with the kids.'
hahaha...thank you best friend! :) for entertaining me today! :) you are the awesomest! :)
This is how I'd like to fly
Got another hilarious email from best friend Val! :)
I love travelling, it's one of the things that I prioritize and feel lucky enough to be able to do it quite often. It doesn't matter if it's by land, by sea or by air, as long as I get to go somewhere new and enjoy myself it's worth it. Or that's what I thought...then I got this email and now I know...this is the way to fly.
Introducing Kulula Airlines.
***again, I got this from a forwarded email and well, I have yet to verify if it's true or not but it's all for a good laugh! :) So enjoy!

From the cockpit on KULULA.COM- South Africa's Budget Airline
Kulula is an Airline with head office situated in Johannesburg .
Kulula airline attendants make an effort to make the in-flight "safety lecture" and announcements a bit more entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported:
On a Kulula flight, (there is no assigned seating, you just sit where you want) passengers were apparently having a hard time choosing, when a flight attendant announced, "People, people we're not picking out furniture here, find a seat and get in it!"
On another flight with a very "senior" flight attendant crew, the pilot said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights. This is for your comfort and to enhance
the appearance of your flight attendants."
On landing, the stewardess said, "Please be sure to take all of your belongings.. If you're going to leave anything, please make sure it's something we'd like to have."
"There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane."
"Thank you for flying Kulula. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride."
As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Durban Airport , a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: "Whoa, big fella. WHOA!"
After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in the Karoo, a flight attendant on a flight announced, "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as
hell everything has shifted."
From a Kulula employee: " Welcome aboard Kulula 271 to Port Elizabeth . To operate your seat belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seat belt; and, if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public
"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child travelling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are travelling with more than one
small child, pick your favorite."
Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but we'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you, or your money, more than Kulula Airlines."
"Your seats cushions can be used for flotation; and in the event of an emergency water landing, please paddle to shore and take them with our compliments."
"As you exit the plane, make sure to gather all of your belongings.
Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.."
And from the pilot during his welcome message: "Kulula Airlines is pleased to announce that we have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. Unfortunately, none of them are on this flight!"
Heard on Kulula 255 just after a very hard landing in Cape Town : The flight attendant came on the intercom and said, "That was quite a bump and I know what y'all are thinking. I'm here to tell you it wasn't the airline's fault, it wasn't the pilot's fault, it wasn't the flight attendant's fault, it was the asphalt."
Overheard on a Kulula flight into Cape Town , on a particularly windy and bumpy day: During the final approach, the Captain really had to fight it. After an extremely hard landing, the Flight Attendant said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to The Mother City. Please remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened while the Captain taxis what's left of our airplane to the gate!"
Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing:
"We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal."
An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had hammered his ship into the runway really hard.. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited, smile, and give them a "Thanks for flying our airline. He said that, in light of his bad landing, he had a hard time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally everyone had gotten off except for a little old lady walking with a cane. She said, "Sir, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Why, no Ma'am," said the pilot. "What is it?" The little old lady said, "Did we land, or were we shot down?"
After a real crusher of a landing in Johannesburg , the attendant came on with, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain in your seats until Captain Crash and the Crew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt against the gate. And, once the tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we will open the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the terminal.."
Part of a flight attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today.. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of Kulula Airways."
Heard on a Kulula flight. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to smoke, the smoking section on this airplane is on the wing.. If you can light 'em, you can smoke 'em."
A plane was taking off from Durban Airport . After it reached a comfortable cruising altitude, the captain made an announcement over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.
Welcome to Flight Number 293, non-stop from Durban to Cape Town, The weather ahead is good and, therefore, we should have a smooth and uneventful flight.. Now sit back and relax... OH, MY GOODNESS!" Silence followed, and after a few minutes, the captain came back on the intercom and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am so sorry if I scared you earlier. While I was talking to you, the flight attendant accidentally spilled a cup of hot coffee in my lap. You should see the front of my pants!" A passenger then yelled, "That's nothing. You should see the back of mine!"
I love travelling, it's one of the things that I prioritize and feel lucky enough to be able to do it quite often. It doesn't matter if it's by land, by sea or by air, as long as I get to go somewhere new and enjoy myself it's worth it. Or that's what I thought...then I got this email and now I know...this is the way to fly.
Introducing Kulula Airlines.
***again, I got this from a forwarded email and well, I have yet to verify if it's true or not but it's all for a good laugh! :) So enjoy!

From the cockpit on KULULA.COM- South Africa's Budget Airline
Kulula is an Airline with head office situated in Johannesburg .
Kulula airline attendants make an effort to make the in-flight "safety lecture" and announcements a bit more entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported:
On a Kulula flight, (there is no assigned seating, you just sit where you want) passengers were apparently having a hard time choosing, when a flight attendant announced, "People, people we're not picking out furniture here, find a seat and get in it!"
On another flight with a very "senior" flight attendant crew, the pilot said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights. This is for your comfort and to enhance
the appearance of your flight attendants."
On landing, the stewardess said, "Please be sure to take all of your belongings.. If you're going to leave anything, please make sure it's something we'd like to have."
"There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane."
"Thank you for flying Kulula. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride."
As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Durban Airport , a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: "Whoa, big fella. WHOA!"
After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in the Karoo, a flight attendant on a flight announced, "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as
hell everything has shifted."
From a Kulula employee: " Welcome aboard Kulula 271 to Port Elizabeth . To operate your seat belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seat belt; and, if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public
"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child travelling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are travelling with more than one
small child, pick your favorite."
Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but we'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you, or your money, more than Kulula Airlines."
"Your seats cushions can be used for flotation; and in the event of an emergency water landing, please paddle to shore and take them with our compliments."
"As you exit the plane, make sure to gather all of your belongings.
Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.."
And from the pilot during his welcome message: "Kulula Airlines is pleased to announce that we have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. Unfortunately, none of them are on this flight!"
Heard on Kulula 255 just after a very hard landing in Cape Town : The flight attendant came on the intercom and said, "That was quite a bump and I know what y'all are thinking. I'm here to tell you it wasn't the airline's fault, it wasn't the pilot's fault, it wasn't the flight attendant's fault, it was the asphalt."
Overheard on a Kulula flight into Cape Town , on a particularly windy and bumpy day: During the final approach, the Captain really had to fight it. After an extremely hard landing, the Flight Attendant said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to The Mother City. Please remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened while the Captain taxis what's left of our airplane to the gate!"
Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing:
"We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal."
An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had hammered his ship into the runway really hard.. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited, smile, and give them a "Thanks for flying our airline. He said that, in light of his bad landing, he had a hard time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally everyone had gotten off except for a little old lady walking with a cane. She said, "Sir, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Why, no Ma'am," said the pilot. "What is it?" The little old lady said, "Did we land, or were we shot down?"
After a real crusher of a landing in Johannesburg , the attendant came on with, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain in your seats until Captain Crash and the Crew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt against the gate. And, once the tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we will open the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the terminal.."
Part of a flight attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today.. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of Kulula Airways."
Heard on a Kulula flight. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to smoke, the smoking section on this airplane is on the wing.. If you can light 'em, you can smoke 'em."
A plane was taking off from Durban Airport . After it reached a comfortable cruising altitude, the captain made an announcement over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.
Welcome to Flight Number 293, non-stop from Durban to Cape Town, The weather ahead is good and, therefore, we should have a smooth and uneventful flight.. Now sit back and relax... OH, MY GOODNESS!" Silence followed, and after a few minutes, the captain came back on the intercom and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am so sorry if I scared you earlier. While I was talking to you, the flight attendant accidentally spilled a cup of hot coffee in my lap. You should see the front of my pants!" A passenger then yelled, "That's nothing. You should see the back of mine!"
Sharing a laugh! :)
Best friend Val got this in an email her uncle sent her so she shared it with me. It's too funny not to share with everyone else. Sadly I don't know who the author is or I would acknowledge. So whoever you are, thank you for the laugh! :)
An old man, Mr. Wallace, was living in a nursing home.
One day he appeared to be very sad and depressed.
Nurse Tracy asked him if there was anything wrong,
'Yes, Nurse Tracy,' said Mr. Wallace.
'My Private Part died today, and I am very sad.'
Knowing her patients were a little forgetful and sometimes a little crazy, she replied, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Wallace. Please accept my condolences.'
The following day, Mr. Wallace was walking down the hall with his Private Part hanging out of his pyjamas.
He met Nurse Tracy. 'Mr. Wallace,' she said, 'You shouldn't be walking down the hall like that.
Please put your Private Part back inside your pyjamas.'
'But, Nurse Tracy I can't,' replied Mr. Wallace. 'I told you yesterday that my Private Part died.
'Yes,' said Nurse Tracy, 'you did tell me that, but why is it hanging out of your pyjamas?'
'Well,' he replied, 'Today is the viewing.'
An old man, Mr. Wallace, was living in a nursing home.
One day he appeared to be very sad and depressed.
Nurse Tracy asked him if there was anything wrong,
'Yes, Nurse Tracy,' said Mr. Wallace.
'My Private Part died today, and I am very sad.'
Knowing her patients were a little forgetful and sometimes a little crazy, she replied, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Wallace. Please accept my condolences.'
The following day, Mr. Wallace was walking down the hall with his Private Part hanging out of his pyjamas.
He met Nurse Tracy. 'Mr. Wallace,' she said, 'You shouldn't be walking down the hall like that.
Please put your Private Part back inside your pyjamas.'
'But, Nurse Tracy I can't,' replied Mr. Wallace. 'I told you yesterday that my Private Part died.
'Yes,' said Nurse Tracy, 'you did tell me that, but why is it hanging out of your pyjamas?'
'Well,' he replied, 'Today is the viewing.'
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